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Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Here we are going to learn BADI implementation using Formula Bar.

You can use the Formula Builder to implement methods for Business Add-Ins without writing a single line of ABAP code. The methods are implemented by means of so called formulas.

This type of implementation does not require you to have programming knowledge. However, the functions it offers are more restricted than if you implement a method by writing ABAP code. If the
range of functions provided by the Formula Builder is not sufficient, you can change the implementation type of the method at any time.

A formula can consist of the following steps:

1 · Condition

You define a Boolean formula expression whose result can be true or false. This formula expression is a logical condition based on the importing and changing parameters of the method. Depending on whether the condition is true or false, the system triggers different steps. If you do not specify a dependent step for one of these two possibilities, the system continues with the next superior step.

2 · Substitution

The system replaces the value of a specific parameter with another value which you define as a constant value or by means of a ma thematic formula. Substitution is only possible if the method contains changing, exporting or returning parameters.

3 · Message

The system issues a message. All messages issued are collected in a log table. You define the message variables as constant values or by means of ma thematic formulas. The system can only issue a message if you created a log table during method definition.

4 · Exception

The system exits the method. No further steps are executed, and the application program continues in accordance with the exception defined. You can additionally display a message whose variables you define as constant values or by means of ma thematic formulas. An exception can only be triggered if the method contains exceptions.

A formula editor is available which you can use to enter formula expressions. After starting the formula editor, you can display information on how to use it by choosing the pushbutton next to the status display (traffic light).


To implement a method as a formula, choose the Formula implementation type on the Interface tab.

Double-clicking the method name takes to to the Formula Builder: BadI Implementation screen.

You can change the implementation type of the method on the Interface tab. You can implement a method both using a formula and using ABAP code. At the runtime of the application program, the system executes the implementation type currently chosen.

You create the necessary steps in the left section of the screen. To do this, choose (Create) and then select the appropriate step type from the dropdown list. Using the other icons available or the context menu (which you can call by clicking the right mouse button), you then determine the arrangement and the descriptions of the steps. You can also copy steps to use them as templates for other steps, or you can delete individual steps.

To specify the parameters for the individual steps, double-click the corresponding entry in the left section of the screen. You then enter the data required in the right section of the screen.

Formulas are transported automatically.


Mohammed Bohra said...

Excellent Online Resource for SAP EP and SAP Web Dynpro ABAP. Visit Learn SAP Online for Free

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Mohammed Bohra said...

Excellent Online Resource for SAP EP and SAP Web Dynpro ABAP. Visit Learn SAP Online for Free

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Portal Look and Feel - Branding the Portal
How to Develop Portal Applications
SAP EP-Developing portal content and assigning permissions
SAP EP-Role maintenance
SAP EP-How to make Enterprise Portal highly available
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