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Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Traditional way of doing code modifications – Exits.

In three tierr Architecture exits are implemented as explained below.


Field Exits
Screen Exits
Menu Exits


Programs -> Program exits -> call customer function -> Include


Table -> SE11 -> Goto -> Append Structure
With BAdIs you can make changes only at the Application Layer.

The traditional way of doing code modifications was via User exits.

As per SAP’s 3 Tier Architecture, at the Presentation layer you had Field Exits, Screen Exits and Menu Exits. At the Application layer you had Program exits, at the Database layer you could Append structures to the existing SAP structures.

Business Add-Ins are a new SAP enhancement technique based on ABAP Objects.

They can be inserted into the SAP system based on specific user requirements.

Business Add-Ins should be considered generalized Business Transaction Events that can be used to bundle program, menu and screen enhancements into a single add-in.

In order to enhance a program a Business Add-In must first be defined and

Subsequently two classes are automatically generated :

An interface with ‘IF_EX_’ inserted between the first and second characters of the BAdI name

An adapter class with ‘CL_EX_’ inserted between the first and second characters of the BAdI name.

The Application developer creates an interface for this Add-In.

Enhancement management generates an adapter class for implementing the interface.

This opens a path for custom implementations to be created by partners or customers.

By instantiating the adapter class in the application program, its corresponding methods can be used.

In Business Add-Ins, all the components of an enhancement option are grouped together.

They are

1. Program Enhancements: Functional enhancement of the program are defined in the form of interface methods and can be used with or without Menu Enhancements or Screen enhancements.

2. Menu Enhancements: Function codes can be entered for a BAdI for the corresponding menu entries in the user interface definition.

3. Screen Enhancements: Subscreen areas can be entered for a Business Add-In.

Screen enhancements can be implemented for these in the form of subscreen screens.

Each Business Add-In has :

1. at least one Business Add-In definition
2. a Business Add-In interface
3. a Business Add-In class that implements the interface

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