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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

SAP ABAP Business Add-Ins Filter Dependent part two

The filter value is declared using parameter flt_val and is preset in the list of parameters.

Calling a Filter-Dependent Business Add-In from an Application Program

The filter value is passed to the method as export parameter.

Report businessaddin.

class cl_exithandler definition load.

data flt type usa_land.

data exit type ref to if_ex_businessaddin.

data word(15) type c value 'Business Add-in'.


perform formatlist.

call method cl_exithandler=>get_instance

changing instance = exit.

write:/'Please click here'.

at line-selection.


write:/ 'Original word: ',word.

call method exit->method


flt_val = flt.


parameter = word.

write:/ 'Changed word: ',word.

The subroutine formatlist looks like this:

form formatlist.

write:/'USA -> Conversion to upper case'.

flt = 'USA'.

hide flt.

write :/'Ireland -> Conversion to lower case'.

flt = 'Ireland'

hide flt.

write :/'Italy -> Conversion to...'

flt = 'Italy'.

hide flt.
